Analysis Episode #8 - DPRK Minerals

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Sulgiye Park, Terence P. McNulty & Rodney C. Ewing (2023) Critical metal resources in Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, International Geology Review, 65:17, 2717-2737, DOI: 10.1080/00206814.2022.2151049 Schouker, P. (2020).” The Trillion Dollar Battle Over North Korea’s Rare Earth Elements Is Just Beginning”. The National Interest. Barlet, J. (2021).” North Korea Plans to Dig Deep Into Renewable Energy Alternatives”. The Diplomat. Gowans, S. (2018). “PATRIOTS, TRAITORS AND EMPIRES The Story of Korea’s Fight for Freedom”. Baraka Books, Montreal. ISBN 978-1-77186-1359 Bartlett, J. and ​Shin, F. (2021). “Sanctions by the Numbers: Spotlight on North Korea”. Center for a New American Security. Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. (2016). “Understanding Korea 5: Economy”. Korean Friendship Association.